Simple Animal Welfare Guidelines
Sensory Enrichment Dairy Cattle
Water Buffalo - Mothering Behavior
Congestive Heart Failure and Lameness in Cattle
Sensory Enrichment for Dairy Cattle
Maternal behavior and temperament
Behaviour of Heifers kicking off the Milking Unit
A Successful Case of Implementation of Farm Animal Welfare Audits by Large Meat Buyers
The effects of udder edema on parlor behavior in first and second lactation Holstein dairy cows
Grazing Cattle, Sheep, and Goats Are Important Parts of a Sustainable Agricultural Future
Visual and auditory distractions and ease of livestock measurement
Accuracy of estimating bruise trim weight in cattle
Observations of effects of shadows on cattle movement
Review of Stress and Animal Welfare by Donald Broom and Ken G. Johnson
Liver abscesses and cattle stress
Cattle temperament and productivity
The Use of Traditional Fear Tests to Evaluate Different Emotional Circuits in Cattle
Subjective methods to quantify temperament in beef cattle
Pen stocking capactities for overnight lairage of finished steers and heifers
Principles of commercial supply chain managers of livestock and poultry
Minor corral changes and good handling reduce stress
Exit speed score and serum lactate assess improved cattle handling
Survey of management and handling practices
Principles of handling facility design
Optimal human animal interactions
The contribution of animals to human welfare
Livestock handling assessments to improve the welfare of cattle, pigs, and sheep
Evaluation of cattle housed in outdoor facilities
Effect of corral modification for humane livestock handling on cattle behavior and cortisol release
Effects of initial handling practices on the behavior and average daily gain of fed steers
How farm animals react and perceive stressful situations such as handling, restraint, and transport
Individual differences in calf defence patterns in Red Angus beef cows
Water access and the carcass characteristics of Holstein slaughter cows
Influence of Free-Stall Base on Tarsal Joint lesions and Hygiene in Dairy Cows
Effect of Stall Base Type on Herd Health, Costs, and Producer Satisfaction
Head coloration is related to Holstein cow temperament
The relationship between Bos Taurus feedlot cattle temperment and cannon bone measurements
Genetics and Behavior during Handling, Restraint, and Herding
A note on hair whorl position and cattle temperament in the auction ring
How to track down the cause of bruising
Cattle vocalizations are associated with handling and equipment problems at beef slaughter plants
Reducing fear improves milk production
Sensitivity to sudden intermittent sounds and movements is related to excitability in cattle
Cattle hair whorl position and temperament in auction houses
Safe Handling of Large Animals (Cattle and Horses)
Factors Contributing to the Incidence of Dark Cutting Beef
The design and construction of facilities for handling cattle
Cattle with hair whorl patterns above the eyes are more behaviourally agitated during restraint
Bruise levels on fed and non-fed cattle
The relationship between facial hair whorls and milking parlor side preferences
Behavioural agitation during handling of cattle is persistent over time
Bruises on southwestern feedlot cattle
Introducing Animals to New Experiences
Doramectin causes significantly less discomfort during injection than Ivermectin
Review: Reducing handling stress improves both productivity and welfare
Behavioral Genetics and Animal Science
Teaching Principles of Behaviour and Equipment Design For Handling Livestock
Solving Livestock Handling Problems
Electroanaesthesia or electroimmobilisation of calves, sheep and pigs by the Feenix Stockstill
Assessment of Stress During Handling and Transport
Humaneness of an electroimmobilization unit for cattle
Factors that Impede Animal Movement at Slaughter Plants
Design of loading facilities and holding pens
Behavioral Principles of Livestock Handling
Dr. Temple Grandin
Department of Animal Science
Colorado State University
Fort Collins,
Colorado 80523
United States
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